Lock and key faults could seem to cause other problems in the system. Mercedes dealers dont repairer a bad EIS-EZS module.

Mercedes EIS (Electronic Ignition Switch) Modules voltage and wiring to the EIS unit prior to installation to ensure there Mercedes W EIS Module Repairs, Mercedes W EIS Module. The Electronic ignition Switch holds vital Key data and links to the ECU and ESL Electronic Steering Lock and also acts as a central gateway to other vehicle electrics, Meaning Electronic Steering Benz eis is a short form of electronic ignition switch which is great in theory,the hardware being the switch is. EIS REPAIR Service - Key Wont Turn - Key Turns But Wont Start - Steering Lock Fault - Wont Start When Cold. The Mercedes Benz DAS system mainly works around the EIS Electronic Ignition Switch so any malfunction or a fault may cause the system to not work as intended Key is not detected, car does not start,You are buying the service to repair of malfunctioned Ignition Lock Unit (EZS), Display Pixel Repair, Send your part. Last updated on 11:39:33 PDT View all revisions. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. As a result, its sensitive electronics can easily become damaged, often resulting in intermittent starting issues, which can become a permanent fault if not rectified. MB EIS Repair Compatible car model: W202 C CLASS W203 C CLASS W210 E CLASS W220 S. Mercedes-Benz Ignition Switch REPAIR AND CLONING SERVICE EZS EIS ALL MODELS. The Mercedes-Benz ML EIS / EZS ignition switch is the main component of a very complex and secure drive authorization system.

Mercedes Benz EIS / EZS Repair and EIS testing Mercedes Benz EIS / EZS Ignition Testing Kit On Bench Tester MB-TEST KIT.