Kamelot where the wild roses grow alissa white gluz
Kamelot where the wild roses grow alissa white gluz

kamelot where the wild roses grow alissa white gluz

  • The eminently Campy Gunther does this all the damn time.
  • The song is memorable not only for its bouncy hook ( borrowed from Andrea True) and Indecipherable Lyrics, but for the contrast between the brother's raspy, wheezy vocals and the sister's sugar-sweet, delicate vocals.

    kamelot where the wild roses grow alissa white gluz

  • "Steal My Sunshine" by LEN, a brother-sister duo from Canada.
  • Dusty, already famed for her low, sultry voice, had a noticeably rougher edge to her voice after years of smoking, and sang the low part alongside Neil Tennant's boyish, nasal tenor.
  • Another Gender Flip: "What Have I Done To Deserve This?" by Pet Shop Boys and Dusty Springfield.
  • An example where the male and female roles are inverted: Aretha Franklin and George Michael's "I Knew You Were Waiting".
  • Not to mention with Leonard Cohen on "Joan of Arc" and pretty much any of his more recent albums.
  • Jennifer Warnes duetting with Joe Cocker on "Up Where We Belong" and then later with Bill Medley on "Time of My Life".
  • "Iss cummin' oop, iss cummin' oop, iss cummin' oop, iss DARE!".
  • Massive Attack have worked with Shara Nelson, Tracey Thorn, Nicolette, Sara Jay, Elizabeth Fraser, Sinéad O'Connor, etc.
  • Trip-hop forerunner Tricky has frequently collaborated with delicate-voiced Martina Topley-Bird.
  • In this case she provided both voices: one track is her natural voice, the other is a drastically slowed down demonic growl.
  • Kate Bush used it in 1985 with "Waking The Witch".
  • The 1970s pop group Boney M may have been the progenitors of this sound with several of their singles, such as the song "Rasputin".
  • kamelot where the wild roses grow alissa white gluz

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    Kamelot where the wild roses grow alissa white gluz